Rehan Alam

Running a business is not easy. The best achievement for a business owner or executive is in recognising that they need help and they can’t do it all alone.

Hiring a business coach undoubtedly helps you to run your business better, increases sales and improves your overall skills and happiness.

How do you know you need a coach?


  • You’re not sure what to do next.
  • You need to increase sales.
  • You need to motivate yourself and your team better.
  • Lost your motivation and often question why you started.
  • There is no clear vision any more or it keeps changing.
  • Unsure where to start because there are many issues you need help with.
  • Feeling overwhelmed with everything that needs doing.
  • You need to establish your goals and the related tasks.
  • Need to build new skills.
  • Want to be a better leader.
  • Feeling stuck in a rut.
  • Want to increase sales and be better at negotiating and delegating.
  • You need someone to hold you accountable.
  • You need a sounding board to discuss ideas with.

As a business coach, I can help you clarify your task, role and strategies and then stick to doing them.

Give me a call for a confidential chat and then decide if we can work together to improve your business.

Research shows:

  • 70% of small businesses saw marked improvements in individual and business performance.
  • 86% saw a clear return on investment.
  • 99% of entrepreneurs were happy that they made the decision to hire a business coach.

Remember that you are not alone in having business issues that need resolving. Also, no one expects you to be able to do everything alone. Recognising that you need help is the mark of a successful entrepreneur.


We can provide a bespoke on-site consultancy service, aiding you in all aspects of sales, management and leadership.